It is what it is.

Not everything I write is for every audience. I write on many topics: technology, culture, Christianity, et al.

Reconciling these disparate topics severely limits my audience. At this point, tribalism is so hard-wired into American culture that the framing of one of my essays on what might be an innocuous topic becomes sensational through being framed by my corpus of other public essays.

This blog is now STATELESS. The entire post is contained in the URL that you are visiting now. All my "blog" is now is a hard-coded main page that contains links to posts I claim authorship of. Of course the entire post is contained in each of these links.

Anything can be generated here. You could even host your own blog that uses my website as a renderer if you really wanted to. It supports markdown.

I'll be publicly releasing my tool to generate blog URLs soon. If you want to get started early here's what goes on under-the-hood.

  1. Text file of post is written. Usually a Markdown file, but you could totally represent other data-formats as text.
  2. File is Gzipped
  3. Base64 hash of Gzip file made into a URL-encoded string (so it works as a URL)
  4. String placed after post/ in URL of

Finding Posts with Claimed-Authorship

Every post that I want to publicly claim authorship of lives at the root of this site. If you are reading a post that I have claimed it will look like this page. Posts of unknown authorship have a disclaimer at the top of the page.


URL length. Max URL length in Chrome is 2083 characters - 2054 after you subtract the domain and route. I don't know enough about how compression works to understand how this maps to text-length but it seems to be enough for a short essay.